Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post 56: Single Digit Daze

Fellow adventurers,

Just a quick update on my lunch hour. The past week at work has gone by a lot faster than I expected, this is both a blessing and curse as we have a lot to finish up on before departing next Sunday for Florida.

Over the last few nights we have done much more planning and booked 3 different flights:

  •  December 11th - Piura, Peru (a few hours south of Cuenca, Ecuador by bus) to Lima on December 11th. We had originally planned to bus it, but for $80 bucks, we save 30+ hours worth of sitting on a bus. 
  • December 26th - La Paz to Sucre the day after Christmas, which will get us to that city in plenty of time to find a tour of Uyuni/Atacama. We opted to skip Cochabamba as this part of the schedule is our most cramped for time and we were much more interested in Sucre. 
  • January 7th - The last flight booked is our departing flight out of northern Chile to the capital of Santiago to meet John and Gabby. We arrive in the city a full 12 hours after them, which is reverse to experience we had with Gabby in Germany.

As far as planning goes, we are pretty much set on everything. I have made my final correspondence with the El Calafate touring company out of Bariloche, and will be finalizing payment with them in the next few days. I think we will just have one or two more flights to book, before leaving for Miami. I have a feeling we will end up purchasing some of our tickets while on the road, not a problem.

My roomies are working hard to find a place before I leave, but I think I will end up having to store all of my belongings elsewhere in the next week to avoid hassle. June will be working all weekend, so I will try to use that time to finalize things at home. Hopefully I am not to distracted by some footy, the sand is pouring out of the hour glass.

9 days!


Update (10/28/11):

  • March 6th - Rio de Janeiro to Belem. Only $250 a piece. Been planning to book this for a good while.

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