Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Post 57: November!

from Junes family

Fellow adventurers,

November is finally here, and we have very little time to spare before we leave Sunday for Florida. I hope to have everything settled by then. My roomies and I have not figured out our living situation yet, so I will have to store my things at Junes in the meantime. Everything has been brought up from the basement and is packed, situated and ready to go, so moving will not be hard as the bulk of the work has already been done. I hope to accomplish this all by the end of Saturday, so I can spend Sunday seeing friends and relaxing before departing Philadelphia for the next 5 months. It's going to be strange to essentially be homeless.

The rest of the week will no doubt be filled with hectic last minute running around, but I think we have all of our bases covered. As our theme was in Deutschland - "You can't plan it all!".



Gabby said...

As our theme was in Deutschland - "You can't plan it all!".

Yeah --- right, lol. I remember that. Oooooo (long sigh). I'm happy, sad (because you're leaving so faaarrr away and for sooo long), nervous, and excited for you guys all at the same time. I hope you won't be too busy to keep in touch often. Lots of love.

The Gardehlers said...

Thanks Gabs, we are nervous and excited also. We cant wait to see you in Chile, so glad you are joining us!!!

we will have wifi a lot of the places we are staying and will make as many updates to this blog along the way as possible.

also, we can Gchat if youd like!