Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Post 43: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Fellow Adventurers,

As the days get shorter, they grow more interesting, and the journey has yet to really even begin.

I chatted with a coworker of mine this morning as I waited for an elevator up to the 20th floor. Apparently she had seen my posting regarding my room on Craigslist and figured out my plan. I had to blatantly lie to her then and there, passing it off as being posted for my "room-mate". She then brought up the fact that she had heard from the freight operator in our building (the only soul at my job I have told!) that I was going on a long vacation. I passed this off as a misunderstanding and we chatted about other things until we arrived at our floor.

An hour or so later I e-mailed her to apologize that I had so boldly lied to her and explained I had not yet inform my boss and management regarding my future departure. I wanted to be honest because she is going to find out in a months time regardless, but also needed to air on the side of caution because I want to keep my job for the time being. Her response was positive and understanding of my situation, so I will try to assure myself that I am safe there. Fingers crossed.

The lesson I have learned from this...needless conversation about the plan to anyone in the work environment can get me into some troubled waters which I would be smart to avoid treading into. I have 35 days or so until I give my two weeks notice, and its vital that I hang onto my position or I will not meet my monetary goals. This morning was certainly a wake up call regarding that. I will however admit, that my excitement is hard to contain sometimes.

I have a 3 day weekend and I should really spend that time studying up on our future destinations, but I am afraid I will be distracted by 6 epic episodes of intergalactic drama. Regardless, I will be getting my Yellow Fever vaccination on Monday.


p.s.: comments are now open


The Gardehlers said...

first comment :)

Gab said...

oh man that's a close call. Never can trust anyone, especially in the work environment.

The Gardehlers said...


I am glad you noticed that commenting is now open, feel free to add anything you want to the comments section on the AgrenChile itenerary post!