Thursday, September 1, 2011

Post 35: Septembre!


Fellow adventurers,

Just a quick update here, to report we survived the earthquake, hurricane and flooding that has hit the northeastern US in the past week or two. No, that is not really the reason, the truth is that a great sense of excitement has struck me, as it is now September, which means I get to put in my 2 weeks notice NEXT MONTH! I do not recall ever looking forward to anything as much as I do that event, its been long in the making.

We have continued to discuss the route and are still feeling a bit of unease about Venezuela. We may end up just spending the extra money to avoid the hassle and fly straight to Colombia after our time in Canaima, as opposed to our previous thought of busing it through the country. The thought of roadblocks and bandits does not really sit right in my mind.

The itch to purchase tickets has never been greater felt. Escape is at the tips of my fingers and it is irresistible, its all I crave. 70 days could not come soon enough...

$9000 down
$7000 to go


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